Relationships are EVERYTHING. They are everywhere. A part of every area of our life. You literally have a relationship with anything you can think of. You have a relationship or lack of a relationship with literally anything you can think of…which is why I am hosting this FREE 5-DAY EMPOWERED RELATIONSHIPS CHALLENGE


Have you identified what type of relationship you have with yourself? Well, whether you have or not, we are going to dive deeper into discovering this very important relationship...After all, it affects literally every other relationship you have. 

Everyone else...

How do you view your relationships with those you love most? Do you feel understood and seen? Do you feel you see and understand and see them how they desire? What about communication, connection & vulnerability in these most important relationships? We will address all of this and more...

Past, Future & Goals

You have a relationship with your PAST and with your FUTURE. And these two relationships directly affect your GOALS & DREAMS...










 This Challenge will Empower Your Relationships

I want to help you uncover the most important and impactful RELATIONSHIPS in your life. You may be very aware of some, but not of others. I want to help you see Relationships in a new way, in a way that will serve you powerfully. A way that will help you understand that you get to  create any relationship, with anything or anyone, just how you want it to be… yup, pretty freaking great right!? 

T H E  C H A L L E N G E

D A Y  O N E 

Join Emily for the Empowered Relationships welcome ceremony. In this first session, we tie off how the challenge works, as well as uncovering the all important question on everyone's lips... "What makes up a relationship?" 


D A Y  T W O 

Explore the relationship with yourself. Your faith, God, Source, your core belief system. In day two, we focus on building the relationship with yourself leading with TRUST.

D A Y  T H R E E

On Day Three, we explore your romantic relationships, as well as those foundational relationships with family and friends. Leading from a place of LOVE.

D A Y  F O U R

On day four we look into the relationships we have with our goals, dreams and desires. Leading from a place of confidence.

D A Y  F I V E

On our final day we will look into the relationship with our past and future. I'll guide you through how to step into the future with relationships that serve you.

T H E  D E T A I L S

🔎 A Free 5-Day Challenge to Empower Your Relationships

 📆 Starts Monday 4th April - Friday 5th April 

 📍The Becoming Soulfully Confident FB Group + Direct to your Inbox

 👉 Register with your email to receive all the details

🎉 Giveaway Prizes to be won, inc. Private Coaching Sessions, Big Discounts and Voxer Support!

Now, it doesn’t happen overnight and there may be some relationships where you have bigger blocks than others… we all do. I am going to help you uncover those blocks so you can move beyond them.

Come discover so much about relationships you didn’t know before. Come with an open mind, an eagerness to learn and grow and better yourself. Come, and leave feeling more clear than ever on how to improve the relationships most important to you!


How to lead from love, trust and confidence in all your relationships… even the ones you may not be aware of, but need to be…